Business launch in Saudi — a highly promising, but complicated initiative

DIG — your reliable partner in unlocking market opportunities in the region
Partner with experienced leaders to unlock the full potential of 
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Perform market research and assessment of business model feasibility in the region
Develop go-to-market and business development strategy
Register legal entities in context of local and international regulation and obtain licenses
Set up local representation to conduct in-person meetings with partners, clients, suppliers
Essential steps for business launch in KSA:
Who we are
DIG — consulting and investment company.
Our mission is to provide market access for foreign companies entering the Saudi market
Our services
We support your business at all stages of development in the region, from research to launch and exit

Our advantages
Team of professionals with a successful track record of launching and scaling business projects in Saudi Arabia with an established local presence during many years

What we offer
Market analysis
and strategy
Business development
and project
  1. Legal research of regulations by business segment: licenses, capital requirements, ownership structure
  2. Legal and customs regulations research, limitations and risks
  3. Comprehensive build-up of HR function: employer brand development, team recruitment, relocation & onboarding support, compliance with Saudization requirements
Legal and HR support
Business launch & scale-up, PMO
  1. Pilot business launch
  2. Commercial real estate search, selection and deal support
  3. Certification, license acquisition from regulators
  4. Business support to overcome culture barriers
Business development and sales
  1. Potential partners search and negotiations
  2. Customer value proposition development, sales, marketing
  3. Relationship building with market participants: regulators, suppliers, clients, investors
  1. Fundraising with strategic investors, private and public funds
  2. Asset management
  3. M&A deals support and due diligence in KSA
  1. Market analysis, customer development and insights from local experts
  2. Competitor analysis and customer value proposition localization
  3. Analysis of regulations and certification requirements, process
  4. Go-to-market strategy and long-term strategy development
We have a successful track record of supporting the launch of international businesses and executing local projects
  • Pavel Orlov
    Partner | Strategy
    2+ yrs of KSA experience
    in ecom and fintech with 2 ventures launched

    6+ yrs of TOP-management in corporate ventures, innovations and ecom in Cenomi, Lamoda, Magnit

    4+ years with BCG with focus on digital transformation and venture building

    Worked in EU, UK, US, Russia, KSA
  • Alexey Glazman
    Partner | Development
    15+ yrs in retail and commercial real estate investments

    Implemented large-scale infrastructure projects at SVO International Airport

    Closed transactions totaling $500+ M

    Co-founder of an innovative snack producer Solim Mimo

  • Andrey Savchenko
    Partner | Investment
    15+ yrs in M&A and PE / VC funds management in tech sectors, digital strategy, consulting on digital strategy development & investments in TMT sector (30+ deals amounting to c. $2bn+)

    Senior roles in PSB Group, Skolkovo Foundation, Otkritie, PwC

    Co-founded SWiP (MarTech AI for SMEs retailers & HoReCa), SolimMimo (innovative snack producer)
Andrey Savchenko | +7 903 961 2882
Pavel Orlov | +966 55 030 0931
Alexey Glazman | +7 985 779 1770